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I think I'm going to like today...

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Bbbananas | 09:07 Tue 08th Dec 2009 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
Sqad is "in a mischievous mood". Oh Goody...

Come on my little sqadlet - let's give our public a good showing. Full-blown smut will have to wait until 10 a.m. at the very earliest - but we can start with a little flirtatious foreplay...


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I'm not it's too early.
Mind you,
Full blown sounds good. :-)
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I meant like - "Hello My Lovely".
logic....bu99er off back to your "Fisherman's Friend" and leave salla to the "experts".
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Full blown comes later... I need my mocha and shortbread first.
Are you still in a dream about Vernon? how can you manage to be so flirtatious at this time of the morning?
Do you have vodka on your cornflakes?
Too bloody early for foreplay. :-(
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I think it must be my age Daniela. Pre-menopausal and just teeming with raging hormones. And that's before I even start the HRT (and if it does for me what it does for Lil - whey hey....)
I meant fully blown.
Anyway I've heard about you SQADY.
tell us logic. what have you heard about sqad?
logic......LOL LOL....and it's all true.....shower, clean my teeth, Listerine and salla stands no chance...;-)
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I do hope he's not promiscuous?
salla.....promiscuous is NOT the same as "contagious.............anyway, the tests came back negative....;-)
I heard you made love to a nurse many years ago,
And afterwards, You said to her I could tell you were a nurse because you washed your hands first,
To which she replied, I could tell you were an Anaesthetist because I never felt a thing. J.
Logic.....LOL LOL LOL
I'm off now before it starts getting smutty.
Are you really in a mischievous mood today, Sqad? :-)
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I do hope so.
I love it when he's in 'that sort of mood'.
NoM....too bloody right....randy as well. National fiesta day and a fantastically red dawn as though the whole of the sky was on fire. .........the Med at it's very best.

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