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Should we feel sorry for Brown?

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anotheoldgit | 12:14 Fri 12th Feb 2010 | News
114 Answers

Does one feel sorry for this hypocrite who shed crocodile tears over the death of his baby daughter.

Normally I would say yes for a person in these circumstances, but in his case, not one bit.

This is the man who sends young men & women to their deaths almost on a daily basis, without showing the same emotion.


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/// He's not personally reponsible for the war or 'sending people to their deaths'.///

As the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, if he isn't responsible, then who the hell is?

Answers please..
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Well we are now on the 81st post on this subject, and although I posted an apology on post 23 it does not appear to have been accepted.

One can only assume from this that some posters just like to continue to spit out their abusive venom against me, for some perverted reason.

There have been some posters that have ignored my main point about the huge loss of life in Afghanistan, but have openly admitted that they thought Brown's emotional outburst was for purely political reasons, being so close to the elections.

I did not go so far as this, if some of you took the trouble to read my apology you would have realised that. The death of a child is something I wouldn't wish upon anyone, i know I have experienced it twice, but these emotions are a private thing, and should in no way interfere with his job as PM.

Finally if you people found my post offensive, why did no one report it and got the ED to remove it, as did happened to a certain posters offensive one recently ?
OEV had the good sense to report his own question, that is why it was removed. Not something that occurred to you obviosly.
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It was removed because I reported it.

i think OEV only said he reported it because he was in the minority, with his vile personal attack on me.

Perhaps the ED sent him an Email to come up with an apology, or be thrown off the site.
aog, do you comprehend the distinction between 'officially responsible' and 'personally responsible'?
Guess what, I reported it too and I am sure others did. I feel absolutely certain that OEV also reported his post and that his apologies were genuine. You are now making yourself look a total idiot aog. Leave this alone now.
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Thank you for those kind words Lottie, but I won't allow you or anyone else for that matter to gag me into submission, with your offensive posts.

Incidentally, if you have been watching and listening to the media these last couple of days, it seems I am not the only person to mention "Crocodile Tears".

But to give Brown his due, have you noticed how he has now shown more than his usual indifference over the death of the recent soldier to be killed? He actually showed remorse and feelings, to the soldier's family and friends, he was almost in tears.

Perhaps he reads the News Section, in AnswerBank?
You think that not feeling sorry for Mr Brown's loss is not offensive? Calling his show of emotion "crocodile tears" is not offensive?
Lottie is not trying to gag you. She is suggesting that you might gag yourself, as several others have also hinted. Apparently you are the only person entitled to say what you like; for anyone else to do so is offensive?
I think we should leave this question up, actually. I have a feeling it might come in handy as a point of reference.
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So because Brown has made mistakes, he therefore felt no emotion when his 10-day-old daughter died from a brain haemorrhage?

I remember a friend of a friend of my mother's who was sat on the sofa crying and being comforted. I was about 8 at the time. I later asked my mother why the woman was crying, and my mother told me that her baby had died in its sleep. I was too young to comprehend her loss at the time, but I will never forget the look of pain on that woman's face.
I can't believe this thread is still ongoing....

I would have thought it might have been banned by now - 'specially after the first sentence.

I have expressed my thoughts on losing a child/children over-page & my own Mother gave birth to a 'full term' still born baby girl, who she named Annette. She still talked about the little one she never had the chance to see grow up, just before she died in her 80's!

So have a bit of heart AOG......
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/// if you haven't been there AOG you won't know the hurt and destruction it can and does cause within a family unit. ///

If any of you have read my posts of apology you will notice that it has happened to me not once but twice, not in the family unit, but to my wife and I personally.

Here we have the likes of Kromovaracun, taking notes and entering reports for his "Notebook" on my posts.

But as I have repeatedly said this post has been taken all out of context, and what I have been accused of was not my intention, but then there are some on here that rejoices in holding things against me.

Other have said much worse things than I but seem to get away scot free, perhaps it is a political thing.

If one is from the Left, one can be as rude, offensive, vile, as they deem necessary but if one is Right-Wing, don't dare to pass a comment, or have an opinion.
I'm certainly not a leftie AOG - but everyone has the right to defend, no matter what their politics are.
I am reporting this question to save AOG embarrassing himself any further.
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How many have said in the past "I don't know how Brown sleeps at night"?

Sorry to accuse you of being a Lefftie, yes, you have always been one of the more balanced posters.

Can't even you reason out where I am really coming from?

Read my original post again, taking into account that my wife and I have also lost two children at an early age, and then ignore what some have made of it and try and come up with your own conclusions.

If even after you have, and you still come to the same conclusion, then I will admit that I have worded my question all wrong and issue yet another apology to all I have offended even to my regular opponents.
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Thank you Gromit

Although you never agree with me I thought you defended everyone's right to free speech?

I hope that the ED doesn't agree with your request.
Back again inbetween chores....

AOG - If you had have worded it differently, it may not have ruffled so many feathers, including mine. This is what you could have posted:


"I do feel very sorry for Gordon Brown showing his emotions at recalling the death of his baby girl & having to hold her in his arms until she passed away.

However, I do feel very strongly that as Prime minister of this country, he doesn't appear to have shown very much emotion to the men & women who have lost their lives on a daily basis.....

anotheoldgit (Fri 12:14 12/Feb/10)
P.S. I wouldn't have posted anything at all myself AOG, as expressing personal thoughts on the loss of your own baby, simply doesn't equate to what is happening in this war.

Even though I didn't & still don't agree with sending our troops to fight in this war, these solidiers openly admit that they know exactly what could happen to them if & when they did.

Bless them all.

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