First of all in any conflict there is no such thing as a fair fight. You bring overwhelming firepower to bear on a target to end the firefight as quick as possible. All fair fights result in is lots of deaths on both sides.
I do enjoy reading the views of those who haven't a real idea about the situatoin and base their comments on what their section of society tells them. Try making your own minds up. This isn't just aimed at the left-wing types, but any group who follows a trend because thats what they see others doing.
With regards to civilian deaths in theatre, when we mistakenly target a civilian building, or a strike results in civpop casualties it is reported and comments made. I could, with 30secs of searching, find references to the fuel tanker hit by an airstrike, or any of the others that happen. That's because they are still, thankfully, rare. Even with the tons of ordinance dropped civpop deaths are still investigated and individuals brought to rights.
On the other hand, how many times do you here the media comment upon IED or minestrikes against civilian populations? Only when the death toll exceeds a certain point, there is something different about the attack, or the attack is carried out by ISAF do the media feel the need to report on it. Other than that if 2 people die in a marketplace bombing, or a tractor is destroyed by a Taliban IED it is unreported. Mainly because they are so common it's not newsworthy.
The figures that have been quoted are spurious at best. The idea of being able to differentiate between enemy of combatents and civilians is incredibly difficult, and the figures are based upon estimates from agencies. Which means they are subject to whatever bias is held by that agency. If you have a pro-peace, anti-military organisation then they are going to exagerate the estimates against NATO.