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Go home here is £1,500

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anotheoldgit | 14:15 Wed 10th Nov 2010 | News
18 Answers

When almost everyone is facing cuts, what do you know?

Cash-card handouts to foreign criminals to go home are to be tripled, when they leave they will receive £500 on a pre-paid card, and when they arrive home the payment will increase by another £1000.

The card will be programmed to work in ATM machines around the world.

But how long will it be before there is a cottage industry at coping these cards?


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Get out of goal, collect £1500, go home. Sounds like that could be the germ of an idea for a board game.
AOG you forget you can get back to Britain for less than £1,000
in the long run its cheaper than the government giving them benefits for however long..
As it costs about £3000 a month to keep a prisoner in jail, this idea sounds like it will save money.
Crazzz1965 - is it though? Do you really think when the money runs out they wont be back for the next £1,500? Oh and when they tell their buddies they won't all do the same?

Sounds like a lot of money to compensate for rubbish immigration laws/checks if you ask me! (that was a little controversial - its just me oppinion guys!)
Wouldn't a clever criminal just use half of the £1,500 to have a holiday back home and use the other half to buy forged papers and passport to gain reentry back here?
What happens then, do we keep giving them £1,500 everytime we catch them?
Are their fingerprints or Dna taken and stored?
was there any need for the hilarious name changing lou?
only that its immediately post lunch and my eyes are tired (not to mention the rest of me) from the lovely luncheon i just had! Time for a nap maybe - you think my boss will mind?!
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/// Are their fingerprints or Dna taken and stored? ///

Can't do that old chap, it would violate their human rights.
If they are criminals then they would have been taken.
Giving Dna, fingerprints and having a photo taken should've been one of the conditions of getting the £1,500.
O dear AOG get "On message", no matter what cuts we must make, foriegn handouts are ring fenced! Heaven forbid that paying out johnny foriengner should cease!
<< In opposition, the Tories said the scheme was ‘simply outrageous’. Dominic Grieve, then Conservative justice spokesman, said: ‘The lesson is clear: under Labour, crime pays and the taxpayer foots the bill.’

Now the Coalition says the scheme will save money, because it is cheaper than forcibly removing foreign criminals or leaving them in jail. >>

It saves us money!

If it means we don't have to hire 2 G4 security people for a day's escort duty that probably accounts for a fair wedge of it.

What is difficult to understand about something so business-like?
£1500? This could only happen in soft as sh1te Britain! They shouldn't get a penny, they should be sent on their way with a size 10 up their @r$e$
Or a friendly warm handshake and a "Don't ever come back again" message instead.
And that all costs money ....

you need to pay someone with the size 10's and someone with the 'warm handshake and a "Don't ever come back again" message'

I know it's nice to naively imagine we can just wave a wand and things just happen but in the real world - things cost.

This is almost certainly a practical and cost effective solution for us the taxpayer. That should outweigh ideological objections.
It costs a great deal more than £1500 to keep them here.

And more than £1500 to drag them to the airport and kick them onto a plane.

This way they make their own way nice and quietly because there is an atm at home that will give them money.

Fine with me. Bargain.

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Go home here is £1,500

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