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"But baby it's cold outside".

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anotheoldgit | 14:58 Wed 01st Dec 2010 | News
51 Answers

Isn't it marvellous, nearly the whole of the North has put up with this weather for nearly a week, yet until yesterday the South has mainly got away with it.

Yet now there are endless reports via the Media of the public transport system grinding to a halt, supermarket shelves being emptied, passengers stranded overnight on freezing trains, police forces in the South East said workers should leave work early.etc. etc.

Are Southerners not made of stronger stuff or can't the media bother to venture North of Watford?


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Oh not nice trouble is its all up hill to get out isn't it?
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Started off a good North-South war, all light hearted and all that, except for cazzz1975

/// the north of england and scotland have been in the news all week For Funks Sake ///

No need whatsoever for the obvious expletives.

Notice also no capital letters for the names of the countries, but necessary indeed for expletives, does that say anything?
I've been watching the news, and haven't noticed a difference between reporting about North and South.
Bit like the capitalisation of your name then, AOG. I was taught that names should be duly capitalised.
Can one of the 'hard northern' council officials please come and teach my 'soft southern' council how to grit a road? Thanks! It will help loads in actually making the roads drivable and i may be able to get home before Saturday (been at work since 8am yesterday morning) ;-( Yes, i know, VERY obvious plug for sympathy but it is true!
"Are Southerners not made of stronger stuff or can't the media bother to venture North of Watford? "

I think fake Burberry may not have the insulating properties required for this inclement weather.
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/// Bit like the capitalisation of your name then, AOG. I was taught that names should be duly capitalised.///

Come closer, anyone listening? shush, anotheoldgit isn't really my name, it is a description, not a name in the true sense..

I mean Mr Anotheoldgit would sound ridiculous, and before you further point out, I know I have missed the 'R' out of another, this was because my username had one too many letters in it, (max 12) to be used.

Gee, I bet with an IQ such as yours The Daily Telegraph's crossword is a doddle?
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Wear a lot of that down South do they? I thought it went out of fashion a couple or so years ago.
Goodness me - it isn't your real name. You really, really surprise me.

Though, I must admit signing cheques or credit cards etc with Mr. Anotheoldgit would be a bit arduous - same though must be said for Mr DTCrosswordfan and especially when I have to fill out the tiny details box at the bottom of the Saturday Prize Cryptic crossword in the Telegraph.

In real life, I was lucky as my surname has 11 letters in it and my father thought about double-barrelling it. Thank God he did not......
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At least part of your user name is appropriate "Crossword".

Why do you have this attitude on a perfectly innocent light hearted debate?

Oh! I forgot you first started by defending cazzz1975, for their use of expletives. Couldn't be that you are one of the same could it?

You know that is against Site Rules do you?
tsk, chill out, aog.

Can't believe I'm saying that to a snowman.
Good grief! Aog, I apologise profusely for using an expletive in my reply.
You are very belittling AOG and it is something I have noticed in your other posts - my comment was only tongue in cheek, nothing more than that and it was you who chose to walk off the emotional pier - as you have done with others. I would say, generically, that the underlying implication of poor grammar in these threads, such as lack of capitals, is very evident and has been referred to in specific threads and comments recently

I do not condone use of expletives and I am certainly not the person that you made the insinuation of me being. In fact, I take some affrontery to that and I would appreciate an apology from you. I am suspicious that I will not get one, but then I may be pleasantly surprised.
Nah, we're all a bunch of soft southern sausage-jockeys ;-)
^ 'bobjugs12......'Nothing north of Watford worth visiting is there? I thought all that was up there was rusting coal-mines, and starving whippets. Maybe I'm wrong, but I've yet to see it'

You forgot our flat caps and Workingmens Clubs

Typical ill-informed southerner's comment
"working men", joeluke? Oop north?

Well I never.
:-) ... Southerners forget about the warmth a ferret down the trousers can privide, lol
jno.......not everyone up north lives in Liverpool
*provide ... tsk tsk me
if you say so, joeluke, it's the only place I ever heard of north of Watford. (And if you ask me, Watford's quite a way north itself.)

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"But baby it's cold outside".

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