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"But baby it's cold outside".

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anotheoldgit | 14:58 Wed 01st Dec 2010 | News
51 Answers

Isn't it marvellous, nearly the whole of the North has put up with this weather for nearly a week, yet until yesterday the South has mainly got away with it.

Yet now there are endless reports via the Media of the public transport system grinding to a halt, supermarket shelves being emptied, passengers stranded overnight on freezing trains, police forces in the South East said workers should leave work early.etc. etc.

Are Southerners not made of stronger stuff or can't the media bother to venture North of Watford?


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Are Southerners not made of stronger stuff or can't the media bother to venture North of Watford?
why would i want to to go north of watford nothing but snow that way!!!!
whinging whinging whinging must br fron tup norf!!! pmsl
the north of england and scotland have been in the news all week For Funks Sake
Here on my team at work 4 people are off claiming they cannot get in and one has a burst frozen water pipe!!!!
Oh dear heres a chance for a northerner to show the chip on his shoulder.

But is it one of two things your transport system is as incompetent as ours and its not reported or you were great?
aog your slipping m8!! must be the snow!! lol
Nothing north of Watford worth visiting is there? I thought all that was up there was rusting coal-mines, and starving whippets. Maybe I'm wrong, but I've yet to see it...

As for stronger stuff, well it's only news because the south basically pays for the north, and economic damage down here means you norvenners won't get as much money from t'social to spend on t'bingo and down t'pub

is sheffield oop norf as they've closed their office but we're open :-)
Bloody southern jessies.................
ay up chuck its right cold doon here!!
I am so sick of hearing the phrase 'soft southeners'. Think of something new!

And I have heard of nothing but snow in Scotland for at least a week, i.e. before I got down here.
Just North of Watford runs the M25. It seems to be the most congested part of that motorway even in trouble free weather but to have HGV drivers sleeping in their cabs overnight shows how little of the motor tax revenue is spent on our roads.

Therefore you could say its not the fault of the motorist but the chancellor diverting his money elsewhere and the soon to be funding of the high speed line between London and the North.
quite agree milly bit racist is'nt it!!!
Calm down was only a (weak) is cold so my whippet has her coat on.
lol craft im only joking too!! to cold to be arguing!!! xx
It's definitely a day for cuddles.
Rov - People here who cross the M25 are saying that it wasn't gritted same on the A2 last night.

There was previous a couple of years ago on the M11. You might be right but incompetent councils seem No1 suspect to me.
on a serious note here in bluewater (kent) never seen snow this deep up to my knees in our garden!!
might do a bit of ski jumping off the roof later!!
Bernie - it was your part of the A2 that had all the trouble yesterday. Did you venture out?

Be a good day to go into Bluewater and do your shopping :-)
Do not count us South-Westerners in the same category AOG

I think part of the problem for the SE and S of England is that they have not invested in counter snow/ice cpaital equipment or preventive measures as the North.
lol dave i work at bluewater i live 5 mins away it took me 4hrs to get home yesterday! all the roads were closed had to go the long way round then got stuck on the A2 for 3 hrs a nightmare,not gone in today snow up to top of my cars tyres!!

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"But baby it's cold outside".

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