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"But baby it's cold outside".

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anotheoldgit | 14:58 Wed 01st Dec 2010 | News
51 Answers

Isn't it marvellous, nearly the whole of the North has put up with this weather for nearly a week, yet until yesterday the South has mainly got away with it.

Yet now there are endless reports via the Media of the public transport system grinding to a halt, supermarket shelves being emptied, passengers stranded overnight on freezing trains, police forces in the South East said workers should leave work early.etc. etc.

Are Southerners not made of stronger stuff or can't the media bother to venture North of Watford?


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jno......never heard of Manchester, Leeds, Newcastle, York????

Geography of GB not your strong point?
oh, York I've heard of, archbishop up there, isn't there? I wonder how he's coping in the snow <tries to drag thread back on topic>
you will be able to easily spot the Arch of York in the snow........
this is what you call snow
its been pretty bad in leeds , taking me over 2 hours to get to work and and 2.5hrs to get home. was sent home early and snow was right up to my knees!!! :-) it was kinda fun
If you can't find a reason to set the English against the Scots you begin with Norh v. South. Why not try to live at peace with your neighbours ?
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You accuse me of belittling you, wasn't it you who first did this by nit-picking the fact that I should have used a capital for my username?

You later stated that you do not condone the use of expletives, if this was true then why did you not attack cazzz1975's post for using them instead of attacking mine for the mere lack of a capital?

You then further try to belittle me for my lack of grammar, perhaps before correcting me you should first learn to spell correctly, not only spell but being able to choose the correct word in it's correct context.

/// In fact, I take some affrontery to that and I would appreciate an apology from you.///

Effrontery - Brazen boldness ????????

Affront - To insult intentionally ????????

When you are able to do this, then perhaps it is you who should also correct your own grammar, before criticising other's?

/// I am suspicious that I will not get one, ///

I suspect that I will not get one, now isn't that much better?
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Ups, just spotted this,

/// you will be able to easily spot the Arch of York in the snow....///

Doesn't the beginning of sentences also begin with a capital?
Don't want to tread on your toes, aog, but I always seem to read A(h), no, the old git.
A variation on a theme, I suppose, but I misread the first time and it just stuck ;-))
Btw, my mum in Scotland went up the hill for her milk and papers knee deep in snow.
She was supported on her way down by a lady who was over 80, - my mum is 90!
They're a tough lot up there!
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I think most of the oldies are, it's just that the youngsters don't give them credit for being so.

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"But baby it's cold outside".

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