Apologise for what? Harvey wouldn't have "got" the "joke", would he? No, he's too young. And let's face it, his mother's a total attention seeker who helps bring all kinds of publicity upon her and her family. She's a latter day Princess Diana who's more than happy to hear the "kerrr - ching" of the money cascading into her bank account at every possible opportunity, who has freely chosen to expose her children to the full glare of television cameras etc without any thought at all, as long as it meant boosting her bank account.
The problem lies in the fact that Boyle, who has "previous" for making similar outbursts, was hired for the show in the first place. Channel 4 knew what they were getting when they took him on, so why should they apologise? It was a deliberate ploy on their part to shock, knowing full well that Boyle is a loose cannon more than capable of delivering such "shock tactics". Hence, trying to get an apology from either Channel 4 or, God forbid, Boyle himself, would be like expecting Hitler to have apologised for the Holocaust.
So the only way Boyle could be brought to book is for one of his countrymen to anoint him with the proverbial "Glesca Kiss". And if any "apologising" is to be done it should be from the feckless attention seeking mother of Harvey who exposed him to this sort of jibe in the first place.