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Is he too old?

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anotheoldgit | 14:37 Tue 28th Dec 2010 | News
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Elton John and his partner have become parents, with the birth (by a surrogate mother) of a baby boy.

Last year in the Ukraine, they were turned down from adopting because the Ukraine did not accept civil partnerships and also because of his age, he was then quoted as saying :

/// "David always wanted to adopt a child and I always said no because I am 62 and I think because of the travelling I do and the life I have, maybe it wouldn't be fair for the child" ///.

So what's changed?


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AOG - do you think every child bonds well with their Mothers? I don't..!

Although my Mother was a good Mother my emotional bond was with my Father and my Father only.

Humans eh? What a weird bunch we are...

I put no value on having money either....don't get me wrong, it helps...but I was brought up in a household that didn't have much money. I never knew that though....not until I was older.
Many couples change their minds over whether or not they want children. What's most important is that the child is wanted for the right reasons and will be loved and cared for by parents who love and care for one another. Plenty of older men become fathers. It doesn't make them any less capable of being good at it.

And as for being 'uncomfortable' with the idea of a gay couple being parents - twaddle!
I do not think he is stable enough, too much of a diva, and having hissy fits is not good for babies. Anyway, I very much doubt he'll have much to do with the baby until photocalls, I guess a couple of nannies will be installed.
AOG - I don't think poor Baby P had the warmth of a Mother's love.

I say Good Luck to Elton and his partner, as long as the baby is loved and well cared for, that is all that matters.
I think 62 years old is too old for anyone of either sex to become a parent really. I don't think it's very fair on any child no matter how lavish the lifestyle they can offer.

However, I'm also sure the child will be well looked after, very loved and very wanted so I think I prefer to focus on that, lots of children are born to younger parents who are not able to give that so swings and roundabouts as they say.

I have no feelings of outrage on gay men or women becoming parents as long as the child is loved and well cared for. I suspect this will turn in to a debate about that rather than the age of the parents.
there are men who naturally father children at 62 to a younger wife - why should Elton be too old?
Neti - you can't guess at what people are like behind closed doors.

He's a 'diva' for the cameras...

AOG - are you outraged about the amount of men that get young women pregnant and then do a runner???
I'm sure this boy will be well looked after and loved very much, I also think that elton and his partner will do their utmost for this lad. But I feel uncomfortable with gay couples bringing up children too..Its not right..
I don't generally think that gay couples should have children at all mainly because of the effect on the child and the relentless bullying they are going to get through their young years. Not sure Sir Elton, even with his dosh can stop the bad parts of growing up that his child will have to endure.
Sammmo - Nonsense.
R1 - I've always said that if children aren't told that there is something wrong with being gay..........they wouldn't use it to bully others with.
R1 - does it matter what a child gets bullied about?

Gay parents, ginger hair, squints. Isn't bullying the same regardless?
Geezer - I think young children accept what they see, its only when their parents start planting the doubting seed, that they see a different situation.
sorry jackthehat It isn't nonesense..Its my view and the view of hundreds of thousands of people in this country alone..and hundreds of millions worldwide.. The child being bullied at school because his perants are both men is only one thing.. the confusion whilst he's going through pubety have your views I have mine...I'm 58 yrs old and I'm not going to change them..
I'm 58 years old...that explains alot. Some of us youngsters have accepted the fact that it happens and know there are worse things for children to contend with in the world.
So, which one will be mummy and which will be daddy? A child needs both, after all, if it's to grow up well balanced, right?
Sammmo - Just as well your child-rearing days are behind you, then.
Look at the question

<<<Is He Too Old?<<

Nothing to do with homosexuality and yes of course he is too old.
yes jack, I agree 100%, how twee, if children aren't told to slay the infidel from an early age they wouldn't fly planes into buildings.

We have to deal with the world as it is not how liberal dreamers would like it to be.
Not so long ago, it was frowned upon to be a single parent in the playground, now its almost the 'norm'. I am sure having same sex parents will also be accepted.

I am 55 and not an old fart.
Den....<<<< am 55 and not an old fart.<<<

No you are are a middle aged fart.

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