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Possible lead in the Jo Yeates's murder.

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anotheoldgit | 14:43 Wed 12th Jan 2011 | News
85 Answers
It has been reported that saliva which may have belonged to Jo Yeates's killer has been discovered on her body.

Is this now a good reason why there should not be a nationwide DNA bank?

If the answer is no, then why not?


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you would be marked down as a refusal on behalf of your child.
I can live with that.
What would happen to all those of us that don't agree or want to be part of this system?Maybe sent to live in an unsavoury part of town where there are no jobs and the future is bleak till we finally break and comply? Do you see where I'm going with this?
Newscruiser you are a lefty, communist pinko so there :-)
In your sentence you forgot wooly and sandal wearing muesli muncher :-)
absolutely not, and it's hysterical thoughts and opinions like that which make your arguments lose any credibility.
let's just all go to the vets and be all voiceless beings are !
Please ethandron I was just going along with your hypothetical society idea and I'm not meaning to upset or offend but my argument holds a lot of water and weight especially as seeing that those that contest it haven't answered any of my questions or came up with any of their own especially after i put up those two true and powerful articles. need to go to the vets, we are already "chipped" is called DNA.
But the government haven't got it.........Yet
Newscruiser we must discuss squatting and commune life soon :-)
Amongst beard grooming and tie dying techniques dave.
And me learning to spell dyeing.
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We live in a democratic society and as such there are certain regimes we have to adhere to so that society can work.

We do however have the right to our freedoms which slowly but surely are being erroded.

Step back and think about what else your DNA could be used for, some of this has been pointed out by other posters. This isn't a matter of criminality DNA is a map of a human being and as each year passes more and more is discovered.

This is an infringement of your freedoms I am all for criminals being on record but as for the rest?
Of course I see where you are going with this.newscruiser,.and your argument is valid and I don't see why there is all the ridiculous 'lefty' childish name-calling about.The whole thing worries me too(with regards to the insurance companies and gattica etc.) The CCTV worries me too but so many people have been caught using that system,and maybe some crimes have been prevented because of it.If is not misused and there needs to be a huge legal debate and control but I still beleive in the principal and I think you are being a bit paranoid.
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Same old question. Same old answers 'If you have nothing to hide, etc. etc."

Usually given by people who have no idea of the implications of a compulsory nationwide DNA Bank.

Personally, I am very concerned about such a system. I haven't read the whole thread through by the way.
upset or offend me? not at all, we are all entitled to our opinions and come here to express them. everyone has their own legitimate ideas, and this dna question certainly sparks debate. however, i find arguments are lost when 'daft' things are put forward and do the arguer no favours. healthy debate is nothing but good :o)
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Nice one
night night !!!!!

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Possible lead in the Jo Yeates's murder.

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