There are two distinct issues involved here.
The first is the Question raised - should Lesley Pilkington be struck off? In my view - yes, because she has contravened the fundamental rules and auspices of the organisation to which she is accredited, which makes it very clear that it does not believe the homosexuality is a psychological condition which can be altered by means of therapy / counselling.
This then opens the sub-text of the 'normality' of homosexuality, and its 'rightness' in society, which as usual polarises into the standard arguments.
As sp1814 points out - some individuals are unhappy with their sexuality, and counselling around that unhappiness is all well and good, but to purport the posession of a conselling method which will 'cure' orientation is trading under false pretexts, and should be a disciplinary issue.
It does appear that this lady is confusing the aspoects of her religious faith - personal - with her attitudes towards sexuality and counselling - professional - and she has crossed the line, and should be strruck off accordingly.