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what do you make of the horse deaths at newby today?

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joko | 16:53 Sat 12th Feb 2011 | News
115 Answers
they were apparently electrocuted..but already some are saying rivals with tasers are responsible...



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I wasn't joking ...
... I was being practical.
well ask any person who is up on horses and even vets, and they say that the horses enjoy being ridden and jumped............there are also strict guidelines to crops now both in format, timing and usage.

bring back full fox hunting as well - that will stir up the urbanites here.....some of us live in the countryside.
Should we eat all dead animals which tragically die then?

Someones pet dog (as long as it was in tip-top condition of course) perhaps?
Go right ahead, if you fancy eating dog, I ain't stopping you.

Have you ever eaten horse?
eaten dog in the Far East - cat in the Middle on the World Wildlife Trust terrorist list for what has been down my gullet.........
afaik, I answered the OP honestly, Sosumi.
DT I was born and bred in the countryside (I ride horses as well) and I don`t say bring back foxhunting. They need to be culled but not by chasing them, terrified across miles of countryside. It should be left to the farmers to cull them to protect their livestock.. As far as riding goes, yes horses like a good canter but there`s a difference between a good hack and being raced to death, breaking limbs and then being either put down or tossed on the scrapheap when they`re not longer making money.
Yes - lived in France and they have Bouchieres Chevalines there., a stringy beef as it doesn't have the fat content of moocoos.....
'they say that the horses enjoy being ridden and jumped'

Try telling that to naznomad
Of course DT,and I bet the fox just loves being chased all over the lovely counryside too! I live in the countryside and I hate fox hunting!
And if you eat meat,I don't see why horse should be off the menu!
I can honestly say it's the best steak I've ever had ... damn, I'm hungry for horse now :-(
I will accept their post racing life could be substantially improved - there are probably far, far more accidents involving broken legs and put-downs by folk cantering across the landscape. I know of four horses that have gone this way (and a human)- my sister had one. My gf at Uni had the person to deal with as she was Pres of the Uni Riding Club.
Spot on 237SJ,well-put.
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Think Buffalo is one of the best I have eaten.............haven't tried fox (yet) - things like anteaters, armadillos, camel, elk (various bits) and hedgehogs have been digested
What a thing to say about poor old Basil, pinki.

I agree though
"Try telling that to naznomad"

Oh Fosters off
^ typical response when no decent comeback can be thought of
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what do you make of the horse deaths at newby today?

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