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what do you make of the horse deaths at newby today?

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joko | 16:53 Sat 12th Feb 2011 | News
115 Answers
they were apparently electrocuted..but already some are saying rivals with tasers are responsible...



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bibblebud, they cancelled the meet after the first race!
Yes, the deaths occurred before the 1st race when the horses were in the parade ring prior to going out onto the course.

As there doesn't appear to be a link up yet.
Apparently some of the horses were already at the Start and some of them had seemed a bit wobbly on their legs on the way there.

A sad and dreadful incident.
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it was strange becasue the horses walked away...and later died...i wonder if actually they were put down...?

i found the reporting quite sad too...the fact that many seemed concerned with the cancellation of races, refunds, waste of training time etc etc than the fact that the horses had died..

i saw one jockey rushing off to another racecourse, smirking at the camera and making jovial 'what a palava' type comments...

i do not like horseracing and i am against it, but i caught this while flicking through...
Ban horse racing, horse trials, etc, etc, just as they ban other shows of preforming animals such as at the circus.
^^ agreed.

The shouldn't be made to run or jump any faster or higher than the rider can. (imo)
They`ll never do that AOG. There`s too much money in it. I went to the first ladies day at Kempton a couple of years ago. My first and last day at the races. Two horses were put down that day. I`d never go again.
I have this Monty P image of people in racing strips running down the Aintree track and jumping Beechers.............
Im surprised at the lack of relief that no 'humans' were killed.
Watched it as it unfolded and it only compounded what I always thought -humans are absolutely more expendable in horse racing circles.
(We love horse racing but it was bordering on mild hysteria)
2 horses die and people cry 'ban horse racing cos it's barbaric'

I think people have been calling for the banning of it long before today, JL
In the racing world a horse is a cash cow. If a horse is injured to the point of not being able to race again it is sometimes put down rather than re homed.
These horses will be very well insured but I do accept that the manner of death will have upsetting for everyone.
Horses were born to run and jump, racehorses are well looked after and well fed

Being made to take part in a race every few weeks/months is hardly abusing them is it?
The dogs of Britain will be happy.....

Yes it's tragic and there has been some sort of accident, to be yet identified in full.

There's risk in any sport, so we shall ban rock climbing, rugby, boxing, canoeing, cycling - even cricket and football as they all have had deaths.............society going mad?
"Horses were born to run and jump"

Now who's being pathetic?
I'm not the one who suggested making steaks out of the tragic dead horses
But DT all the participants in rock climbing, rugby, boxing etc have a choice of whether to be there or not. The horses don`t.
What's that got to do with your ridiculous assumption that horses were born to run & jump?

FA, that's what.

And anyone that wastes a perfectly good dead horse (and yes, they must have been in tip-top condition) needs shooting.
Agree with23,and Naz was making a joke,Joe,you were being serious!

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what do you make of the horse deaths at newby today?

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