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what do you make of the horse deaths at newby today?

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joko | 16:53 Sat 12th Feb 2011 | News
115 Answers
they were apparently electrocuted..but already some are saying rivals with tasers are responsible...



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The artice posted was fro "Concern for Helping Animals in Israel" It says "Healthy horses and ponies slaughtered for the meat trade" "20 of the 50 horses were TB's" not necessarialy race horses!

Though I'm sure some racehorses are slaughtered, so are dog, cat and any other animals man keeps, often when they have "come to the end of their profitable life!!" but a lot are also rehomed. Racehorses are no different ,I've rehomed them for over 20 years. Just the same as people rehome the millions of that people dump

And racehorses can be retrained , a lot go to event yards, many, many to ordinary homes, where they make great riding horses.
The only people who want to class them as vermin are the nutters in red jackets.

Tally Ho Old Chap! Oh my Old Chap, it seems the Fox has destroyed our tea house! What a rotter! ...
Now we have it out, an antihunt supporter who probably lives in the middle of a city.

Poor little foxes - they only chew babies up as their numbers are getting out of control. Bl--dy socialists.
There are far more dogs and cats treated cruelly that racehorses, but whenever the word horses comes up he hurray Henry voice goes on and its ban this ban that blah blah blah

Sorry to shock you folks but its just not so! learn to ride, go on give it a go
Problem is DT most of em wouldnt know the differance between a TB and a Section D, they always go on about running round the country side in RED on SUNDAY lol
Friend has worked on a farm , I have spoken to the farmer at my house, know about baggin the fox.
you would be surprised what this towny knows.
Suspect. I spoke to a nuuclear physacist once, but have no idea how the hydron collider works!
This still happens in England, this is why they don't like strangers seeing to much and camera's are NOT ALLOWED
yes Chaffinch, you are spot on. Like that bitch who put a cat in the wheelie recently, or that guy caught on cctv abandoning his dog. Ask the RSPA or any of the dog/cat charities for their stats.

There are abuses to horses as well but I bet far less a percentage than for dogs and cats. We humans are pretty awful to our animals. Period. Most country folk have a far greater respect for animals at large.....and, yes, there is a need for control. And huinting is for hooray h's - well, try telling that to a Lake District Fellsman and you will end up with a large Cumbrian rough fist down the gob.

My attack against the lib/socialist wing is that urbanites (as their political seats tend to be towns and cities) do not have much of an idea on how to run the countryside - my evidence - well look at the unnecessary slaughtering of sheep and cows in the Foot & Mouth outbreak - damn sight more cruel I bet than some hunting as sheep are known to have a reasonable level of intelligence....The Labour party didn't give a damn other than tourism as agriculture makes up less than 2% of national GDP. I am not sure the Coalition is much better in their proposals to sell off glades of forests.....
Ex-racehorses are surprisingly easy to rehome, as they are generally very well trained. I have had several ex-racehorses. I don't think it's even a case of money, as they actually earn very little, compared with the cost of owning and training horses. Every trainer that I have met personally (not all, obviously, but a fair few) has actually earned their money elsewhere and races as a hobby, as there tends to be a lot more expenses than earnings.
Obviously, there will be some immoral or abusive owners who don't care where their horses end up, but I don't think anybody is condoning that.
Suspect, that video was shot in the 1980s in Ireland. What is the relevance with today in the UK?
Thanks Ldjksa and you are right. I have friends in the business from MDs of racecourses, to owners, trainers and even a couple of jockeys (one who used to be a household name). All are concerned about their horses and care for them.

Sure there is an unscrupulous wing (as there is in hunting) and plenty in other sports (wit cricket and soccer recently) - or in politics, that will cut corners to make money (and that is ultimately what it is about). Not denying that but put the whole thing in perspective. Britain is building itself some serious land management issues with foxes and wild boars running rampant (and now potentially beavers in the future). The Netherlands has even worse problems than we do..........
I'm with you all the way DT. The youtube film above was taken in Ireland in 80's and is so obviously a bit of propergander by the sabs.

I feel so sorry for the horses, owners and trainers of those horses today, but it has been used as an excuse for some "townies" and no doubt the "lefties" to come out in force and shout the words BAN, just so that they can line there pockets by selling off the countryside.

Oh and when you visit take your Blo*dy litter HOME
DTcrosswordfan // Lake District Fellsman and you will end up with a large Cumbrian rough fist down the gob. //

Is he one of your friends sounds very friendly and intelligent.
Amazing - statistics lie and I guess videos do as well. (Surprise, surprise). Bit like the Uof East Anglia when it comes to global warming data.............
thats my point suspect, they are honest, decent, working class countryside and small town folk who enjoy their day out on the Fells trailing the hounds (D'ye ken John Peel and all that). Interfere with their pleasure, then risk incurring their wrath.....and there is a lot of resentment in the shires to Tony Bl--dy Blair and his crew and the damage they did to the countryside environment and economy. Just look at the voting patterns in the last election.
You will tell me next that no farmer sold animals that he knew were ill when the mad cow disease was in the open.
Actually, you raised a personal exasperation there.......Chaffinch. I have come back from overseas and have been horrified at the state of our rural lane (i) the litter (ii) the fly-tipping (iii) the condition of the roads - down here in Cornwall now approaching what W.Ireland was like in the end 80s, (iv) the non-cutting/trimming of hedges (v) the appalling condition of some of our old wrought iron signs and milestones (which are heritage). On the first two, the States and Canada are far more community proud than Brit villages are and no way would they allow this to happen and there would be serious fines for those who do commit such 'vandalism'
DT, pretty much the same in Hampshire, what a mess is being made of our beautiful country.

Off to bed now night night
Same here as to bed - we country folk need our snores. My recent sampling includes Hamphire, Oxfordshire, Suffolk, the Lakes and down here.......the sad thing is this pollution is all pervading and a complete lack of respect from our urban communties as to their heritage. But post Blair and Brown and what they did for UK society and the economy are we surprised, No.

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