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marval | 20:27 Tue 29th May 2012 | Jokes
6 Answers
Bill and Tom drove to a petrol station for a fill-up because they heard about a contest being offered by the station to customers who purchase a full tank.
When they went inside to pay, the men asked the attendant about the contest.

“How do we enter?” asked Bill.

“Well it’s very simple,” replied the attendant, “I’m thinking of a number between 1-10, if you guess right, you win free sex.”

“O.K. I guess 7,” said Bill.

“Sorry, I was thinking of 8,” responded the attendant. “Come back soon and try again”

The next week, the two men returned to the same station to get petrol.
When they went inside to pay, this time Tom asked the attendant if the contest was still going on.

“Sure,” replied the attendant. “I’m thinking of a number between 1-10, if you guess right. You win free sex.”

“In that case I guess 2,” said Tom.

“Sorry, I was thinking of 3,” replied the attendant. “Come back soon and try again.”

As they walked back to the car, Bill said, “You know what Tom, I’m beginning to think this contest is rigged.”

“No way,” said Tom, “My wife won twice last week!”


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