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Paddy & Mick

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ummmm | 09:38 Fri 21st Jun 2013 | Jokes
6 Answers
A copper stops Paddy and Mick and says "I need to Speak to you about operation Yewtree"

Paddy says "but there's only two of us"



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Haha :-)
An Irish joke from an Irish person, is that allowed? cos it does make the Irish seem thick. but it did create a smile Ummm. :)

LOL ummmm, had to read it twice! Nice one.
Question Author
Why wouldn't it be allowed?

There have always been Irish jokes and lots of Irish people tell them :-)
Because Ummm of PC.
I've told Irish jokes on here before and I've been 'Reported'
So, if that is so Ummm watch out for a tirade...


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