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The Philosophy Of Dogism

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sunny-dave | 18:21 Sun 22nd Jun 2014 | Jokes
33 Answers
All of life is divided into three categories ...

... If you can't eat it or shag it, then you just *** on it and move on.

Sounds good to me :-)


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Dundee girls aren't quite as selective as Glaswegians fillies, cupid.......
Just like rams and goats then...
I think that's PC tony. Go for it x
Have done, pixie. And lived to regret it ;-)

Just like rams and goats then...

Oi, ya little minx, leave the goats out of it lol.
Oh dear. Were the goats jealous?
Oh gawd, don't you start as well ;-)
No pixie, they were....umm, how does one say it?.....errr, horny.
....i've heard rumours....;-)
Yeah, and I know who started them.
...the goat :-)
Yes, it was nanny.
Oi Billy!

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