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My Friend...

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cupid04 | 02:10 Fri 02nd Jan 2015 | Jokes
22 Answers
My friend got crushed by a pile of books....

He's only got his shelf to blame!


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Should have stuck to light reading.

he could have escaped serious injury, if only he had a hardback
Rather a novel joke Cupes.
You should be booked for that cupid! :o}
I hope the spine wasn't damaged.
I bet he was wearing a jacket.
was he covered in dust ?
Ouch, I bet he blurbed when it happened.
what about his appendix ?
Come on, let's have it chapter and verse.
Hope he didn't damage his spine.....
What an episode!
is he likely to be sectioned..or sentenced ?
His spine should be ok, because he only has a paper back.
there was no FORE ! word ?
Is your friend titled?
It's all been a bit of a bind.
Does he now have book marks?

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My Friend...

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