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Bazile | 14:07 Thu 24th Nov 2016 | Jokes
105 Answers
A friend of mine tried to annoy me with bird puns, but I soon realized that toucan play at that game


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Why are you huffin' and puffin'? It's only a mynah matter - that ruddy duck again trying to skua me. Shed a wee tear for me, if you would, cock.
Polytechnic, A mechanical Parrot.
Political Correctness, The Parrot who is always right.
Polythene Bag. An Hawaiian Prostitute.
Poly car bonate. A vehicle for carrying Parrots
Just purchased some footwear on line
Now for the shoebill....
Poly unsaturated, a bird with a brolly.
Coo I thought of that missel, thrush.
That's aukward!
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// Just flamin' go, will you!//

I think you should make a 'swift' exit - this is my thread
Heard about the new Ealing film - Carri On Crow?
that must have been hawkward, but he'll only egret it if he grouses about it.
jno, you have every reason to feel choughed!
'Ere Baz, are you a bit of a magpie? Stop pinching my jokes!
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Patsy - did you mean finch ing my jokes ?
No good sniping, avocet of spoon bill.
You shouldn't harry 'er, Baz.
Like the Lady Cuckoo said to her bloke ' I only did it for a lark'
On reflection, perhaps she's flying a kite.
I'm surprised no-one's come up with lavatorial humour - pee wit.
Thinking of having a beer
Not sure whether to have the Kestrel or Speckled Hen....

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i was going to post a risque one - however i think i will 'her on' the side of caution
What's happened to the curlew had on your forehead, Baz?
I don't know vulture think you're doing, frugalfred

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