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Bazile | 14:07 Thu 24th Nov 2016 | Jokes
105 Answers
A friend of mine tried to annoy me with bird puns, but I soon realized that toucan play at that game


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It's cold outside. Glad I have my blackcap..
Take a scarf with you - you don't want a white throat.
I've heard that Kate Middleton likes to whip poor Will.
Lol @ Fred.
I think it be- gannet Christmas time after Wills was ogling Pippet's bottom...
Could've been her Boobys....
...or even her red breasts....
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Yes it's a bit bittern , outside
Great tits. Seen a couple in our garden....
Linnet cold tonight?...
Just eaten a meal made from food picked in the meadow. it was lovely fieldfare.
Dunno. I've just enjoyed a fine shag. There's nothing like an aromatic Virgin-ia. Must clean my pipe now.
Just seen a walnut come out of its shell, it was a nuthatch.
Thank goodness the heavy rain has stopped - I thought, "The Ouzel overflow."
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The rain wasn't a problem for the dippers
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Think yourself lucky that you didn't have to spend the nightingales
You're on song tonight Baz!
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The rain is not a problem for the Balearic shearwaters
especially if the railways are on shrike again
I have just painted my tools, I now have a yellow hammer.

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