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My Wife

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Voltage | 21:27 Thu 11th Jan 2018 | Jokes
17 Answers
My wife left me because of my lack of vocabulary. I was lost for words.


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See ? There was a silver lining.
Question Author
My wife says she’s leaving me if I don’t stop listening to the Clash ..... Should I stay ...Or should I go ?
Question Author
My mrs has left me she said i am obsessed with cricket its hit me for 6 tbh
She probably thought you were dumb....
Question Author
that goes without saying!
My missus left me because she said it was annoying how I related everything in life to batman.

What a joker.
Obsessed with cricket?... How's that?
Question Author
i dont understand her patsy i'm stumped
Is it over?
Question Author
yes its a bye
Is it because of all the runs??
That's a shame, my wife and me are both lacking in vocabulary and we never have cross words in the house.
Can we swop wives. Mine won’t leave me......
Question Author
swap ya mine for a case of beer lol
Volty..ah'll tell ! ;0)
Question Author
grrr snake in the grass x

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My Wife

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