I was out getting my Belfast bap and I was walking along when a car stopped and gentleman picked up a little item on the road.
I spoke to him and it was a little robin who had been stunned (don't know what happened) by a car.
I took the robin and when I was in Sainsburys I asked for a box, I had kitchen roll in the car so we made our way back to the house.
Got the little thing into house where it started pooing (LOl) but I think with the heat of the box and my hand it seemed to rally round, so started flying upstairs etc. I got a wee photo of it upstairs. But it just wanted out so opened the bedroom windows and away it went.
My new name is St Francis of Assissi (LOL). That's my good deed for the day.
yes Canary - don't like harm to any animals actually.
My bird seed is going down rightly in the feeder and the coconuty thing is being eaten. I have another bag of seed to fill the feeder. First time I have ever fed the birds.