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vonjon | 20:21 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers

Just two that I'm unsure of

10. this clothing retailer can be seen in parts of Britain's joint first motorway services

43. the 1974 Dutch Eurovision song " I see a star" by mouth and macneal was a UK hit, but beaten by ABBA



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10. this could also be Gap ???;rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB958GB958&oq=Britain%27s+joint+first+motorway+services&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l2j33i402l6.771j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Waterloo, Swedish, Ikea? "ICA star"

43 is a real puzzle. The Mouth& MacNeal song must be relevant but why also say it was a hit in the UK? And why mention that third placed song and Abba's winner  but not mentioned the song thhat came second (Gigliola somebody with "si"

Maybe the answer to 43 is hidden in the clue. Was there a store called East?

East seems to be an online store, so I doubt that counts.

There is a fashion store in Edinburgh called "East"

re. 43.  I have an offer for this, but am a bit dubious as I don't know the song, I've never heard it.

but when googled, got "Lyrically, the song is a love duet, with the singers telling each other that their love has helped them see the world in a new way."

so, perhaps New Look ???

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