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The First Fire Of The Winter …

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naomi24 | 18:53 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
26 Answers

.... is currently blazing away in my sitting room ... and it's only September.   Is anyone else chilly?



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I am very chilly & cannot believe how cold it has gotten!! 🥶

But not yet got the heating on.

The only concession I have made is to switch to a long sleeve shirt.

Jumper with gilet over it, electric blanket on at night. Frozen.

We have not lit a fire yet, but have had the heating on low. The trick with this house is getting it warmed up and then keeping it warm.

Although in one of my one sided conversations with the cats today I did say that the house slave will be lighting a fire in her snug soon.

My husband and I have very different reactions to cold weather.  He can feel cold even in quite mild temperatures so we have had the heating on today.  I have been too warm!

No heating till November here.

Been chilly the whole year up in Scotland,Naomi(bar a few warmish days).Global warming?...Aye,right....

Chilly here.  Might get a hot water bottle filled up in a minute or two.  That should suffice until I go to bed.

No.  I want to acclimatize to the weather otherwise I will be freezing every day.

I put the heat on about an hour ago.

I'll have to check the level of oil in the tank and order a refill if it's low.

On a morning shopping trip today, I discarded my usual, lightweight jacket in favour of a warmer, quilted one.

I wish, wish, wish that we had a fireplace, but we don't - and we daren't turn the heating on.  Very chiily this morning in the shower-room and now we are wrapped in jumpers.  It's only September.  :(

Yes is bloomin' freezin' oop here in West Yorkshie two bouts of testing the Central heating before it really gets cold.

My wife feels the cold, I don’t. Hence, separate bedrooms.

My window open, hers closed. She wears jumpers, cardigan, coats. I wear golf shirts or smart shirts.

I am constantly being upbraided for leaving the back door open.

"Cold? You bits a kids don't know the meaning of the word, you should have been with me on the Russian convoys during the war. One night it was so cold the flame on my lighter froze!" - Uncle Albert, The Jolly Boys Outing.

I had the windows open earlier to give the place a good airing that's probably why I felt it so much, usually I'm ok at acclimatising.

I've had heating on today..resisted yesterday but did pop a rice pudding in the oven to warm the flat up a bit. It does make a difference..kill 2 birds with 1 stone..


It's 8⁰ here right now!! Heck it's only second week in September.  


It's going to be sunny and warmer next week......

I'm chilly...I use my heating pad to warm my back. Electric underblanket in bed.

No...the heat's not on, and won't be for several weeks. What happened to the British stiff upper lip I've always heard of? 😅🤔

It's cold, but c'est la vie.

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