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Going To Glasgow, Things To Do.

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lolasmam | 14:52 Sat 28th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers

We are planning a visit to Glasgow next week and are seeking recommendations for activities. Our preference is for visiting places of interest rather than shopping. We have a half day and a full day to fill. We have one night booked at Opium for dining, but have yet to decide on the other night’s dining arrangements. Additionally, we are interested in any good comedy clubs or bars with live music. Personal recommendations would be greatly appreciated, as the information on ‘What’s On in Glasgow’ is somewhat overwhelming. Thank you.



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The Burrell Collection, nice and free, only a shortfall from the centre.

Glasgow Science Centre on the banks of the C!yde.

the biggest queues though are to be found on the M8 around the Charing Cross junction, must be popular.


Short hop

For your second night's dining, there's quite a few to choose from in Byres Road and off the road, can't remember the street name offhand. Sorry about that.

Hope you enjoy your visit. :)

Clutha Bar, Stockwell Streeet   ........ for good food and music.

My favourite city in the world. I love the architecture and can wander round looking at the buildings all over the city for hours.

Bear in mind that is is surprisingly hilly - something my darling wife neglected to mention - but they have, helpfully, provided handrails up the steepest of hills.

Take a trip on the clockwork orange.

The open-bus tour around the city is good, too.



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Thank you for the excellent suggestions. An open bus tour in Glasgow sounds like a splendid idea for our first afternoon, allowing us to get our bearings. I am particularly keen to check out the Clutha Bar, as we enjoy pubs with live music. This will be our first visit, and we are also looking forward to exploring the Burrell Collection. We will be staying at the Radisson Red, a special treat for our 33rd wedding anniversary. Thank you for the heads up on the hills; I will be sure to pack my walking boots and walking stick.

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Going To Glasgow, Things To Do.

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