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They Just Can't Help It Can They.

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gulliver1 | 10:07 Sat 12th Oct 2024 | News
26 Answers

Geoffrey Cox ..TORY mp has been missing parliamentary votes and sitting days while he works at his lucrative "second job" as a lawer in Mauritius.The former attorney general who so far has declared £500,000 in pay from this second job this year also missed two Parliamentary votes on the winter fuel allowance.



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Did he agree to pair off with a Labour party MP to miss the votes ?

I'm sure his missing those votes made a huge difference🙄

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Sounds about right for a money grabbing tory, ie, I'm alright jack.

Has he taken tens of thousands of pounds worth of freebies like Starmer has?

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10.13 Naomi. But were they out of the Country earning thousands of pounds at their second jobs.????

Well, gulliver, he was out of the country for three days but I've no idea where the Labour lot were.  Do You?

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Nicebloke @ 10.15 Agree with you. The Tories can't resist a  finger in the tax payers till ..can they . Hope you enjoyed your fishing trip lol.

And Labour absolutely love freebies from cronies.

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Naomi 10.28 Probably gone fishing with Mr🤣

//The Tories can't resist a  finger in the tax payers till//

Make up your mind, gulliver,  You said he was working.

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Naomi 10.41 Take a step back for a moment and think about it.If Cox is working and getting paid for his second job in Mauritius . Then he ain't at his main job as an MP in the UK is he? .  That's the job he is getting payed for by the British tax payer .So therefore he is milking the tax payer.  Get it.

Don't upset yourself, gulliver.  I expect the tax paid on second jobs fills the gap.

Yet his constituents must think he does a good job overall for them as he gets their votes.

I remember David Lammy getting paid for his job at LBC..  did you post then?

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Naomi Why should Cox .Who has already earned £6 million  over the past few years from second job earnings even get paid by the taxpayer when he ain't working for them ? And why does he accept it ? Is it because he is a greedy Tory MP and he just can't help it .

gully - how many hours a day do you trawl the internet looking for stuff to bash the tories with? Don't you think there are better things to do? 🤣

Gulliver, it would make more sense for you to ask where the 52 Labour MPs were when they were being paid by the tax payer for being absent.  

I'd far more trust Cox who earns an honest living outside of his job as an MP, than a PM who accepts tens of thousands in freebies, is a hypocrite and is a liar.

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