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Man in hospital...

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ummmm | 14:18 Fri 04th Mar 2011 | Jokes
7 Answers
Man in hospital bed wearing oxygen mask over his mouth.

"Nurse" he mumbles

"Are my testicles black?"

Nurse raises his gown, holds his dick in one hand & his balls in the other, she takes a close look & says....

"There's nothing wrong with them Sir"

Man pulls off the oxygen mask, smiles at her & says very slowly,

"Thanks for that, it was lovely.... but listen very very carefully.....



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Is that the same nurse who made a tragic mistake when a doctor sent her over to a male patient and told her to "slip off his spectacles"?
Made me smile!
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Oldie but Goody.
I've heard it before but it still made me laugh.

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Man in hospital...

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