I'll do this here instead of on another thread that made me think of it. Does it annoy you when people use words in the wrong way or use the wrong word in a sentence?
For example, my boyfriend frequently says the word "went" instead of "gone". Like, "We could have went there". It reeealllly grates on me.
I have a couple of people on my FB friend list who sometimes put updates such as "led in bed watching telly". I have so far managed to not correct them.
Yes that's fair enough Mike; I'm still interested as to how Playbill's argument stands up against the words I listed though! It's the same as my mum arguing that scone has a long 'o' because you say bone; my argument against it is the word gone!
That is the "beauty" of English being a non-phonetic language. How foreigners cope with the numerous different pronunciations of the combination "ough" I'll never know. I've forgotten just how many there are.
14 if I remember correctly although I may have plucked that out of thin air! There's also a thing where a word is presented which seems like gibberish but can actually be read using the various ways of pronouncing the different bits.
Though a rough cough and hiccoughs ploughed through him, he houghed the horse with thorough thoughtfulness. Nine apparently; don't know where I got 14 from!
You win with those examples! Maybe it comes down to how you learnt to pronounce the words at school. And I was taught to pronounce 'garage' in that way.