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Spitting image

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neoteric | 18:27 Tue 19th Nov 2002 | Phrases & Sayings
3 Answers
Do you know the origin of 'spitting image?' Thanks.


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I believe it was biblical in origin, from 'split and image' which was corrupted to 'splitting image' and thus 'spitting image'.
I'm afraid that the word 'split' does not appear anywhere in the Bible, according to biblical concordances. In much the same way as we now have 'bitten' for the past participle of 'bite', so 'spitten' used to be the past participle of 'spit', whereas we now say 'spat'. 'Splitting' was just a dialect corruption of 'spitten'. For the connection with likeness/similarity, click on the link in my earlier response.

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Spitting image

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