Society & Culture2 mins ago
43 Answers
Why are people who disagree with anything gay called homophobes? The dictionary definition is 'intense hatred or fear of homosexuals' I neither hate or fear them, but I do find it annoying that I'm referred as a homophobe simply because I don't agree that certain rights and privaleges should be preserved same heterosexual couples. So, Why Homophobe?
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Well, for example the right of marriage. I don't particularly like what they do, and I certainly don't like the fact that (generally) the "right on" media perpetuates this myth that it is normal (and those arguments that surround the comment "who says what's normal or not" do not apply here as, quite simply, biology dictates that it's not normal), but equally and perhaps paradoxically, if it's between two consenting adults and it's not illegal, then fair play to them. My orginal post was basically questioning why I am automatically called a homophobe simply because I disagreed with (in this instance my brother who happens to be gay and whom I love very much - another paradox?) a particularly argument that was very pro-gay to the point of being anti-heterosexual. I often disagree with my girlfriend, but I'm not a misogynist. NB - I haven't explored the "normal" argument with my brother, he's bigger than me!
It's OK not to like what homosexuals do - it's not meant for you to like it! Seriously though - if a gay couple are commited to each other, and lead a happy and contented committed life together, why should all rights of estate, tax, and a general modicum of respect be denied to them because their life is perceived as 'abnormal'? If i were a gay man, it would seem perfectly 'normal' to me - so who says themajority have to make the rules, based on majority custom and practice? I have issues with gay couples as parents, but only because of the predjudice they will encounter, which wil be visited on their child, who has no say, but that fault lies, again, with society, and not with gay couples. A little live-and-let-live, and a little more tolerance of a lifestyle most of us don't understand, and therefore should not feel righteous and superior about, would make the world a better place, but of course that wish extends to just about every minority attitude on the planet.
You are correct with with definition of 'homophobia' - any phobia is a horror; morbid or abnormal fear of something. It is far more than mere dislike - a person may dislike broccoli but have a phobia about spiders! In reply to andy hughes, the majority make the rules because that is the whole point of a democracy!
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I speak as a heterosexual male OAP. Marriage is a union in the eyes of God between a man and a woman. Even a civil marriage is that, whether the two concerned like it or not. It is not in any circumstances a convenient partnership between two men or two women for some tax benefits. Homosexuals are welcome to do what they want in private,but it disgusts me when they flaunt their orientation. Thank goodness none of them have tried to make a move on me: it's highly unlikely now! I don't advocate putting the clock back as far as to make homosexual activity illegal, but don't ask me to approve moves to make it acceptable, "normal" or respectable. If that makes me homophobic and non-PC, GOOD.
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I have to say that I am extremely offended by your absurd, ridiculous, and factually inaccurate statement that the "media perpetuates this myth that it is normal". I, as a gay man, am normal (by definition) due to the fact that I exist and that I am what I am. It is also offensive and inaccuarate to say that "biology dictates that it's not normal". On the contrary, biology dicates that I exist, and that I am therefore normal. So if you don't want to be accused of being homophobic, then don't make offensive homophobic statements. Or, to put it another way, if you can't cope with being accused of being homophobic when your statements clearly demonstrate that you are homophobic, then keep your offensive thoughts to yourself and shut up. The right to free speech is balanced by the responsibility of accepting the consequences of that speech, if it contains offensive statements.
Ewood 27 - you appear to labour under the illusion that any homosexual man will be attracted to you because you have a penis and a pulse, and they would therefore (heavens to Betsys!) 'make a move' on you. With your righteous attitude shining forth like a bigoted beacon, there is no danger that any gay man would be interested in yo in any way shape or form - what a pity that you've lived your earlier life in fear, when it is apparent that your wound-up mind has kept your body safe all these years! As for your religious aspect - aren't homosexuals God's creatures too? If He can love them, that just leaves you falling short doesn't it! Non-PC? Who cares? Frightened, yes, and that's a shame.
Well it may be harsh but yes I would have to say that you are wish to deny any other person a liberty or freedom you would want for yourself because of their creed, colour, race or sexual orientation should rightly be seen as abhorant in this for the biological thing it has been proven that there are numerous animals that do show a "gay" preference even if a female is available (chimps, sheep and pigs so far having been studied) so that arguement doesn't hold up.....As Andy says you don't have to like or approve of anything that gay people do but to promote or voice these thought is bordering on homophobic.
Ewood aren't you the inspiration for Victorian Dad from Viz? Eyes of God? Prove god exists and I'll concede the point to your opinion.
Where's Shybear when you need him?
Maybe my attitudes are from an earlier time, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I simply find homosexuality repugnant and about as appealing as the part of the anti-smoking ad where fat is squeezed from an artery. It cannot be normal and natural. Nature isn't concerned with our pleasures and social conventions. Its only concern is the survival of the species, and THAT requires sexual activity between men and women. If homosexuality was the norm, the human race would have lasted at most two generations.
By the way, I don't live in fear of homosexuals. Never have. I'm far more in fear of the uncontrolled driver who may be heading my way or of the gang of youths who might be high on something and decide it would be fun to see how easy it is to kick my head apart.
By the way, I don't live in fear of homosexuals. Never have. I'm far more in fear of the uncontrolled driver who may be heading my way or of the gang of youths who might be high on something and decide it would be fun to see how easy it is to kick my head apart.
Ewood - I didn't wish to imply that you fear homosexuals, but you do fear homosexulaity, becase you see it as un-natraul. There are thousands of un-natrual behaviours in this world - child abuse, murder, rape, torture, even poverty, the list goes on. The world is not perfect, but 'nature' has a hand in all of it. I find myself repulsed by ignorance, and the hostility it causes - maybe a little tolerance would be a good start to ending the miseries of this world, and beginning with a group who simply prefer to live by a different set of codes than yours, would be a good start. Homosexuality per se hurts no-one. Ignorance and hostility hurts all of us. Lets save our revulsion for the things that matter, and the things we can actually change.
When there's so much bad stuff happening in the world, wars and paedophiles etc it amazes me people get worked up over something (gay marriage) which is all about a loving and kind relationship. They should ahave the same rights as any 2 people who love each other. I remember seeing a lesbian couple, lived together 20 years, the lady who owned the house was dying of breastcancer and they knew when she died that her partner would lose the house. Thats ridiculous.
Don't you think that God sees and knows our intentions whether or not we stand up together in church or not? Who do you think is more married in God's eyes - The two gentlemen I know who have been together for forty years this year and who are as committed to each other as my (married in church) husband and I are, or the (insert your own names here) couples who marry in church "because its the thing to do" What is not fair (as others have already said) is not allowing committed couples whoever they are, the same legal rights to inheritance, property etcetera, but also and more heartbreaking, the right to be someone's next of kin and to be involved in their care decisions at those difficult times that come to us all. Sorry if this is incoherent, I work in health and arguments over who will decide when the patient can't are all too common and always upsetting to staff.
Scubaboy - your statement that
"you've got to realise that just because people have issues with your sexuality it does not automatically make them homophobic. That is a ridiculous assertion"
is itself a ridiculous assertion. The very fact that you "have issues with" my sexuality is, by definition, an example of homophobia.
I do not have problems with homophobic people (like you) spouting out homophobic statements, but if you do, then you have to accept that you will be accurately accused of being homophobic.
"you've got to realise that just because people have issues with your sexuality it does not automatically make them homophobic. That is a ridiculous assertion"
is itself a ridiculous assertion. The very fact that you "have issues with" my sexuality is, by definition, an example of homophobia.
I do not have problems with homophobic people (like you) spouting out homophobic statements, but if you do, then you have to accept that you will be accurately accused of being homophobic.