1V is B.T 10P.M in The AnswerBank: Phrases & Sayings
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1V is B.T 10P.M

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al gregory | 10:40 Sat 05th Jun 2004 | Phrases & Sayings
9 Answers
what words do the lettewrs represent in a phrase or saying
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one volunteer is sometimes better than ten pressed men.
Anyone any ideas about the following? N2 SY 2SY N 6 S to a C 3 SY and T 2 UP is an E 79 OLTE
Sorry, but the above post did not reflect the return keys I hit. Should read N2 SY 2SY N; 6 S to a C; 3 SY and T; 2 UP is an E; 79 OLTE
I think I may be able to help on one of these Darren - '6 s to a C' could be 'six sides to a cube'
79 OLTE - One less than Eighty
2 UP is an E = 2 under par is an eagle
3 SY and T = 3 score years and ten
Many thanks - I took a break overnight and got all the answers myself with a lillte mental dexterity. Got the 2 UP is an E when I was booking a golf lesson!. Still stuck on the one nobody has so;lved yet, namely N2 SY 2SY N.
Came to me in a flash....nice to see you, to see you, nice. Bit of a twist on the number 2 I think.

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1V is B.T 10P.M

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