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mibn2cweus | 20:02 Wed 09th Apr 2008 | Phrases & Sayings
817 Answers
Are you unhappy and upset and believe that some important knowledge crucial to living a joyful life has been denied you? Find the missing piece of the puzzle you've been seeking all your life here


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42 :)
22:12 Wed 09th Apr 2008
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China, For you I'd give the moon and the stars
Blimey! Where were you when romance was being handed out, Starman? At the back of the queue? Must try harder! :o)

(Loved your bit on the Sam Harris thread, by the way. You say it with feeling, that's for sure).
Tut... Well it's a start I guess.

I'm really rather drunk. And I virtually never post in this state (or read). It's really quite tricky.
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And here she comes .... the gap's closing ..... look at her GO!!!!! YEAH!!!! ..............Bow, curtsey....clap, clap, clap - or to put it a little more delicately perhaps .... applause, applause, applause. :o)

How's your head, China?
And where's Theland gone again? He dangles carrots, and then hops it. (Oops, I've made him sound like a rabbit).

THELAND ..... are you reading me? Where's the answer to my question? I've just eaten the last custard pie, so you're quite safe - for now. (Hee hee hee).
Night. x
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Morning Luna, Morning Starman.

Ahem ..... can either of you lick your elbow? Just curious you know - and purely from a scientific point of view, you understand. ;o)

For the record, I've just tried - and I can't - and I don't think even trying harder will improve my contortionistic (oh, good word - I think I made it up!) abilities.
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Really! Somehow I get the impression you're not taking my scientific experiment cweusly. Come on now chaps - arms up - tongues out - and one, two, three .... lick.

Well? Can you?
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In the interest of scientific investigation, in all honesty, I found elbow licking a modestly difficult challenge. However, I am now suffering a mild case of hyperextension in anticipating the future course of your scientific inquiry.
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Ha! That's for me to know ....... and for you to find out ....

.......... and it may well call for some pretty intensive private interrogation. On the couch, if you please.

Sweet dreams. x
Luna - sorry, you weren't there when I answered Starman. Nibbling woolley bobble hats? And you, a vegetarian! Really!

(In truth I've never owned a bobble hat in my life). :o)

Nighty night - and sweet dreams to you too . x
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