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mibn2cweus | 20:02 Wed 09th Apr 2008 | Phrases & Sayings
817 Answers
Are you unhappy and upset and believe that some important knowledge crucial to living a joyful life has been denied you? Find the missing piece of the puzzle you've been seeking all your life here


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42 :)
22:12 Wed 09th Apr 2008
Lol @ Mibs!

Doughnut! ;0)

What's a pk?
China, you read my thoughts. Starman, what's a pk?

I know what a KP is. It's a nut. :o)
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Apparently an inside joke . . . see 7. for me no less embarrassing than would be incest, in spite of the fact I'm merely a victim of an accident of birth . . . as I've been informed is my existence as well.
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Naomi, It's beginning to look like I might have killed your "The End of Faith" thread . . . sorry. :o(

China, . . . doughnut? . . . hmmm . . .
Starman, no surprise there.

China, why? What's wrong with your own legs?
Nowt particularly, I've been told my pins aren't too bad (typical girl and don't agree) and they're fully functional but she's got dead sexy legs and I think they're ace.

I've just made a prawn med melody thingie which was delicious and now I'm going to have a giant scone; don't think I'll ever have those legs somehow! ;0)

Why are we women never satisfied with what we have? I don't think men are like that, do you?

Are you satisfied with what you have, chaps?

And that's your question for tonight.

Night everyone - and beautiful dreams (especially you, China). x

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Ah, satisfaction . . . the squandering of potential
Haaaaa! Wotchit! You'll make China jealous.

Starman, you said I have mail, but I haven't. If you sent some, it hasn't arrived, so can you please send it again.
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Houston? . . . We have a problem . . .

Naomi, Yes I did and I sent it again as per your "Mail?" request to which I sent a "Reply" as well. I appreciate and echo your concern. Please keep me updated on the status of this disturbing development.

Meanwhile, here's what the email had to say:
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Hi Naomi,

I found this video in which Sam Harris presents an excellent overview
of his ideology. 1C1CHMZ_en-USUS300US303&q=sam+harris&um=1&ie=U TF-8&ei=LtiQSf_FHpj8Mqq6vP8L&sa=X&oi=video_res ult_group&resnum=4&ct=title#

I recommend it as an hour well spent for anyone interested in the
essentials of Sam's message, the importance of which only further
justifies the time spent, imo. I was so impressed as to consider
giving, "The End of Faith", another read.

You are of course free to post it yourself if or where and how you
wish. I decided to submit it here for your consideration so as to err
on the side of caution as I am already uncomfortable with how I might
have affected the substance and direction of your thread. This is in
no way meant to imply that I am frightened of you, just insecure
about myself for reasons that if not obvious I nonetheless hope I
won't be required to explain, no matter how justified my insecurity
might be . . .

Just watch it already, will you? And if I ever lead you astray I
expect to hear about it. Now then, I have a cdrom with "Letter to a
Christian Nation" 'rould here somewheres I might have another listen
to first/next. (Just between you and me, I think Sam is pretty kool . . . don't tell China!)
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Question Author
This is ground control to Major Tom ........ or is it the other way around? Well, whatever, I'm floating in a most peculiar way, that's for sure. I don't know what's happened to my email address, Starman. It's clearly 'sending' ok, but not receiving. The technical crew will be home shortly for dinner, so I'll set him to work on it.

Thanks for the link - I'll watch that tomorrow - and please don't concern yourself about that thread. You did nothing to spoil it. I didn't expect it to produce much of a debate, because I'm pretty sure that few people here have read the book. After what you said, I feel I may have missed something, so I may well read it again myself - after I've finished the one Keyplus wanted me to read. zzzzzzzz

Frightened of me? The very idea! Grrrrrr. But then again, leading me astray? Possibly. :o)
Question Author
When/if the mail does drop through there will be a few from me. They're all pretty much old news now (and all pretty much the same stuff) so don't give them too much attention. You've seen it all right here and the only concern I had was that you might want to watch the aforementioned video which as it turns out was not the one posted in the email anyways . . . ground control, do you read me? . . . over? . . . sheesch!
I read you, Major Tom, but only here at the moment I'm afraid. The tech guy says he'll look at my problem (brave man!) at the weekend, so for now planet earth is blue, and there's nothing I can do.

I like Bowie!

Night, night. Over and out. x
Question Author
Thanks, Starman. Don't you like him?
Question Author
No simple answer here. In music as with various forms of art, perhaps there is no accounting for taste but I am nonetheless happy to share my thoughts.

I believe art serves an important conceptual psychological function in that it presents our mind with a concretization of mental abstractions. The message presented in a work of art provides a vision which one would hope to be that of a better world as it serves as a guide illuminating our path.

Music has played a profound role in determining the direction of my life. Perhaps having been somewhat isolated from external auditory input in the first few years of life has contributed to a heightened appreciation for this form of sensory perception.

(At the insistence of outside influences my mother was encouraged to seek professional help in determining the causes and extent of my apparent lack of mental proficiency. A doctors diagnosis quickly revealed that I was virtually deaf to the outside world due to blockage of my ear canals that he suggested most likely proceeded from birth. With the removal of the blockages I very soon thereafter began to speak. I still have recollections of subsequent visits to the doctor to have my ear canals cleaned, perhaps when I didn�t appear to be listening as well as I should. I became quite proficient with the use of a bobby pin by about the time I entered school when soon after this practice became no longer necessary. To this day I still suffer from a lack of verbal skills, especially with regard to spontaneous answers to questions posed. How much this has to do with my history I can only speculate whereas I tend to be a deep thinker and to thoroughly evaluate and ponder a question before answering.)

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