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mibn2cweus | 20:02 Wed 09th Apr 2008 | Phrases & Sayings
817 Answers
Are you unhappy and upset and believe that some important knowledge crucial to living a joyful life has been denied you? Find the missing piece of the puzzle you've been seeking all your life here


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42 :)
22:12 Wed 09th Apr 2008
Bedtime. Night everyone. x

(Hope you're feeling better China).
I'll be back.
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Naomi, There you go thinking small again. I was referring to someone a little higher up the ladder . . . at the very tippy-top as a matter of fact. Not someone who is no longer there but (note caps) The ONE who never was there, The Biggest Cheese of them all. If He can not resolve the debate once and for all eternity . . . why the hell not!

sorry 'bout the shouting . . .
I'm dying.... And got left with the work psycho who thinks I'd make a good counsellor (like I had a ******* choice!)
Oops, silly me. A case of mistaken identity.

China dear, if you're dying, could you please do it without profanity. After all, Theland thinks we are in illustrious company - but that has yet to be established.

Theland, I was thinking about this last night. I hope you don't fill your grandchildren's innocent heads with all this twaddle.
I put my own stars in so I didn't use profanity and I went with an E as the second letter so that doesn't count anyway! :c)

That Theland believes in something is ok by me... As long as he doesn't use it as a stick to beat himself with. Religion has a 'suffering' trend I'm not mad keen on.
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Bein' ass eye havn't persenollee witnist seaing that turm speld owlt, eye em a whee bitt kureyis ass too weather oar knot that pertickular turm wheel flie pass duh AB sensorbot . . . whoosh mee lcuk . . .


& so long as I'm flurting with the ed, mitiswell try . . .

fcuk & fcek

Buy duh weigh, jest whot ixactly duz duh axual turm fuсk meen nyhow?
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Analising the results it might seem odd that feсk didn't fly whereas fuсk got thru just fine . . . due to a dvus method of my own divising . . . ~o">

Copy/paste at your own risk!
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Interesting to note as well, Urban Dic's interpretation of the ambiguous **** that AB uses as their substitute for a variety of censored 4-letter words.
I find lexicography(?) so boring, and although I do try to write Queens / BBC / correct English, and often fail, I sympathise with the young who are cotent to get their meaning across in textspeak.
It does bug me to hear managementspeak, so .......
(what is the word I'm looking for? Show off? Up their own ar$e? Egomaniacal?
Naomi, the grandchildren are taught by their mother and father. I simply answer questions as honestly as I can.
I sent a text to Luna two days ago but no reply.
I feel further texting may be intrusive.
I have been re-reading some of Hans Kungs' book, "On Being A Christian." It reinforces my belief in the veracity of the gospels, and to sismiss them out of hand as fairy stories, is, I think, rather naive, and dare I say it, lazy?
Apologies in advance for any possible offence caused by the above statement, but none intended.
Mibs, regarding the ONE you refer to, the Biggest Cheese of them all, the ONE at the tippy top of the ladder .........
Well, could I remind you, without specific Bible references, the only those who dilligently seek Him will find Him?
This is an aspect of Gods' character, that He refuses to be treated like a specimen in a bottle, to satisfy the simply curious.
His agenda is much greater than this.
...... and more apolgies for hitting the wrong keys now and again, and therefore inadvertently misspelling words ...... correct, I don't often read what I've typed before hitting the submit button.
Theland He refuses to be treated like a specimen in a bottle, to satisfy the simply curious.

No he doesn't. He doesn't say anything. You're the one saying that.

So Theland, if your grandchildren ask you about Jesus, do you tell them to go ask mummy and daddy, or do you answer their questions from your point of view?

Starman, how the bleeeeep did you get away with that!!!?
The views of Mum, Dad, and I are congruent, so no problem there.
What did you tell your daughter when she was a little girl?
Isn't, "nothing," a little frightening?
Forgive the presupposition.
Mibs, I know you have bee around here, the smell of your cheap aftershave is still lingering in the cybersphere.
Was it a present? Surely you wouldn't choose such a fragrance?
I'm guessing, but is it called something like, "Stardust?"
"Stellarfog?" "Twinkle?"
You've definitely left a trail!

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