Well, I'm pleased you ditched Barbara Windsor (erk! The very idea!) and Nora Batty, Luna ...... unless of course you meant this.
http://www.aeroflight.co.uk/pics/gulfwar/torn/ Tornado%20GR%201%20'Nora%20Batty'%20ZA491%20(N ).jpg
Your later assessment could be getting warmer!
No need to apologise for your grammatical slips, Luna. At least you didn't say 'would of' instead of 'would have'. Ouch!
China, that's intriguing. Why do you think my personality spilling over into discussions does me an injustice. I'm truly interested to know.
Starman, I'm sure I wouldn't leave the motor running - although your little squiggley does look somewhat like a bike, so perhaps it's you who'd have your transport at the ready for a quick getaway.
I wish Theland would come along and have a go at this game. I think that would probably be really funny.
Luna, yes, my dreams have sound. I'm sure that's quite normal - and if not, then I'm abnormal, but who cares? Join the club!