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What's the word?

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PipinHull | 21:07 Thu 20th Jan 2011 | Phrases & Sayings
8 Answers
I'm trying to think of a word that describes something that is like a smaller scale but comparable version of something else. I'm sure the word exists and it's a bit like microcosm. An example - saying 'architecture is like a *word* of art as a whole'. I'm not explaining it very well I know... but does anyone know what I mean?


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How about "bijou"
Well you've said that the word is a bit like 'microcosm'. Given that the Concise Oxford Dictionary defines that word as "a miniature representation (of)", you seem to have answered your own question!
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Good tries but not right...sorry don't mean to sound like a game show host! It doesn't mean smaller in a literal sense
What's the Word?

The Bird? ... ;-)
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Oops thanks Chris, I thought microcosm could only be used to mean a miniature world. Microcosm it is then. Thanks for replies.
People answering their own questions on AB. That would never do, as we would all be out of a job then, wouldn't we? Also, if we could all spell correctly The Spelling Police would be out of a job as well. Would anyone miss them if they went?

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