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Does anyone remember..

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micmak | 22:40 Thu 27th Jan 2011 | ChatterBank
65 Answers
The liberty bodice. As a child I wore a vest and on top of that a liberty bodice. It had rubber buttons and was meant to keep your back warm. No central heating in those days, well not in our house. I am only 61, but I remember ice on the inside windows. Do you?


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Yes I do. Had one. I am same age as you. I put the hot water bottle out of the bed one night and in the morning it had ice in it!!!
I rememb liberty bodices - and I'm 41.
Indeed MM terrible things as they got more rigid the more they were washed and tighter as they shrank.
and, for school we wore two pairs of knickers. white under and navy blue biggish ones on top!
Getting dressed under the bedclothes another vivid memory too.
We had an oil stove in the bedroom and it made a pretty pattern on the ceiling.
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Grass and Sher I think we have come a long way since then.

Sher that means you were born in about 1970 Were liberty bodice still about then?
In production until 1965, according to the Museum of London:
Yes I wore them too I was told they were to keep my chest warm but my twin brother didn't wear them, that always puzzled me. Sewing the buttons on was my first sewing lesson at 6.

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I also got dressed under the bedding mamya. As much as I get miffed with modern day I would not like to go back.
Hi micmak - born 1969 but remember them. We (I am a twin) were the first grandchildren and I think it was my gran who got them for us (I associate them with her, not my mother). The memory is really strong and I have a terribly memory.
I remember them hard to get out of...
Remember the ice on the inside of the windows too.
Heating only in one room (coal fire in the living room.) Hot water bottles for everyone at bedtime.
Then there was the night when it burst..........
We've had ice on the windows in our bedroom this winter - must be pretty rubbish windows.
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We had an open coal fire in a 24 foot by 16 foot front room. It was the only heating in the house. When I complained about being cold, father would say "go to bed then" Those were the days. NOT
You can buy them on ebay.
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We nicked bricks off the local building site, my old mum used to put em in the oven & heat them then wrap them in an old coat or cardi.
Had beautiful jack frost iced up bedroom windows a different pattern every day.
No liberty bodices, but ice on the inside of windows and the outside loo used to freeze. Oilstoves in the bedrooms and yes loads of blankets on the bed. Us kids used to dress in the kitchen in front of the fire and bath there too. That was in the late50's
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baron. I will pass on that and put the heating on.
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