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jennyjoan | 16:24 Thu 26th Apr 2018 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers
About 3 or 4 weeks ago I got Maxie groomed but something told me that it wasn't by normal groomer as a young girl came down to pick him up and said oh I help and have been doing this for 5 years. that's was ok

This groomer is based in a vet's office but obviously has a room at the top and must have been employed by this helper.

When Maxie came down there was still too much of his hair on his face and next day when he and I were sitting I felt a very sharp nail like a needle on the upper part of his paw. Right enough brought him back and the wee girl cut off the offending nail and I asked could she take more off his hair.

Last night he was using my stomach as a cushion and spied a cat through the window and jumped like a madman - today I see scratch marks on my tummy - quite big - this was through my trousers and pants.

Is 4 weeks too late to complain - as and when I asked re the first nail - receptionist did ask - when was he done - so that must be imperative. I don't know how to deal with this as I am very fond of the original groomer.


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//been employed by this helper// should be //employed this helper//

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When you next get him groomed just ask for them to do the nails and face a bit shorter than last time.

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