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Migrants Stranded At Sea

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-SharonA- | 01:58 Mon 11th Jun 2018 | News
326 Answers
Italy is refusing to allow a boat with over 600 migrants to dock at it's ports. Good on Italy. I bet you ask those migrants where they're aiming for, I bet they say England!!


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I'm glad to see Italy has got a bit of backbone.
Me too.
Link doesn't work for me.

So what will happen to them?
The stronger ones will eat the weaker ones ;)
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Because the unicorns were in charge, at least until the mutiny when they were launched over the side.

The rest is history.
We have no evidence that it didn't oz!
who knows but it shouldn't be Italy problem, nor ours.
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Because the passengers of the Ark were more civilised...

Are people happy with the idea of these people drowning?
no, but then again who wants more migrants on their doorstep.
They've been picked up in Libyan waters....
sorry to sound harsh but the reality is that no one wants them. they perhaps have escaped some war zone, or are economic migrants but they aren't wanted anywhere.
Krom - that's my thought as well. They are human beings and people are joking about it.
then perhaps Libya can house, feed them.
>Are people happy with the idea of these people drowning?
No, so i hope that a solution can be found that involves escorting them back to the waters/beach they came from (not always easy to find out I know).
But in the long run this policy might save lives if it discourages people from taking the perilous journey.
Just letting them in and encouraging more isn't teh answer
They'd be safer staying away from England- more stabbings in London this weekend...
Not just London.
It just seems a bit pathetic for comfortable people sitting at their keyboards gleefully wishing for 600 people to drown (like thousands of others do) because "nobody wants them."

I don't know what the solution to the refugee crisis is. It's an extremely complicated issue because it is so often a question of life or death. I'm not sure the right thing to do is jeer and wish death on people who have had their lives destroyed through no fault of their own.

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