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Clue Chain 2

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miser | 07:48 Sat 24th Feb 2024 | Crosswords
1611 Answers

 The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home made clue which everybody is invited to solve. The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then invited to post their own original clue. 



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Yes, Mallyh! x

Yearn for this head or blow on it  11

where has everyone gone ?

i have to go now  sorry x

Handkerchief? (12)

Patsy i'm sorry about that  i was so focused on hanker i forgot the d x

Nobody playing. 

It's Patsy's go!

Mark has vice moving around. He's a free spirit! (8)

I'll post one if Patsy's not free:

A name card after an illness can flow easily (5)

Crossed Posts! 😄


Yes, Ellie 😃


I'll be back in about 10 mins or so. Just dishing dinner up..

Yes Patsy!

Chaps first class threat? (6)

? Men ace  Menace

Yes, Haz 😃 

Thanks 😊    Starting with more than usual and then just the normal makes this somewhat exceptional.  (13)


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Clue Chain 2

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