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Clue Chain 2

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miser | 07:48 Sat 24th Feb 2024 | Crosswords
1611 Answers

 The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home made clue which everybody is invited to solve. The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully identified by the setter) is then invited to post their own original clue. 



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Phew!  😌

On sight, it appears I'm grown-up but I'm really juvenile. (8)


?  ?  ?  A  ?  ?  R  ?

Immature/I'm mature

You got it just as I posted again - well done 😊

Don't add on for a Saturday Night Tv programme (8)

Takeaway ?

Yes Haz

Disloyal or dangerous, take your pick.  Each sour French three loses south. (11)

?  ?  ?  A  ?  ?  ?  R  ?  ?  ?  


Yes, Patsy 😊   Anagram of each, sour and tres (French 3) minus the "s" for south.

Signing off now to try to cure my toothache with some Scotch (on a cloth!).  xx

OK Haz. Poor you, toothache is awful. Hope you get some relief with the scotch.  😊

Isn't French 3 'trois'?

Patsy/  Luckily I have a pre-arranged dental appt. for Monday afternoon - might get the pliers out before then 🤒

Ellie - you're so right - tres is very.  Apologies - blame the toothache.  To think French was my best subject at school!!
Patsy got it anyway!!

^^ I should have put Spanish!

I was thinking it was because of your toothache Haz! Hope you get it sorted on Monday x

Awe all the best to you Hazi, I didn't know about your toothache...  hope you get it sorted. I haven't come up with any this evening that's why I've not posted on here.

Flawed lore about forest animal (6,4)


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