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Spectator 2668

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JJ109 | 12:38 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | Crosswords
42 Answers

19a Oz's blue razorbill wheels over one boat's stern (7) ?RRAT?M

Lookslike erratum but why?

13d In tent behold hole (5) if erratum is correct GL?U?



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13d Glaur (mire; hole) - 'la' (behold, in) 'gur' ("ger"; tent)
12:49 Thu 22nd Aug 2024

31a At this place strageness is natural (7)


Inheres (is natural) - 'in here s(trangeness; physics)'


Learned a few new things today completing this


Glad I could help 🙂

31a. At this place strangeness is natural (7)

I have but one left...

Face of Aladdin? (5) ?A?TO 

Is it just "panto" ?



Fleshpots, that's what I have - Face, pan and To, of (confirmed in Chambers).

Aladdin - looks ok - 'pan' (face) + 'to' (of)

The ? shows it's an example of the answer.

I'm happier with it now you've explained it :) Couldn't parse it for toffee haha 

Fleshpots, glad we could help.

I'm glad the setter stipulated the letter distribution around the perimeter, otherwise I, for one would have been more than a little perplexed. Nice puzzle, though

Help, please.

17D Composer fences with Catriona (10) ?A?E?T??N?

18D Chipmunk nibbled pillowcase in marketplace (7) ??US?I?

17 Palestrina - Pales, fences + Trina, Catriona.

28 (not 18) D - Souslik .

Can you parse Souslik, please?

30D Flowers atop Indian city (6) O?A???

I don't usually have this much trouble. I'm from across the pond, so this osubject is tough for me. I think I have the name of 7, but no idea where to find the perimeter names. Any suggestions?

30 is Onagra, flowers - On Agra, Indian city.

Souslik is Souk, marketplace with Sli(p), pillowcase, nibbled (a letter short). I assume it's a Chipmunk but I didn't check!

PiffPoff, I have zero interest in the theme, but I got some of the entries from a wordwizard thing... I think only one of the names was known, very vaguely, to me!

Thanks for the help. I solved all the clued entries, plus 7, 26 and 32. Think I'm going to have to give up now! It's just not in my wheelhouse. I've Googled my guts out! Can't find anything helpful. :o(

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Derek Underwood was a 1960s early 70s test bowler.

The first name is a famous Pakistani cricketer from that era, the second is an Indian opener that scored over 10000 test runs, the third is an ex New Zealand captain and the 4th came from Barbados andheld the record for most test runs in an innings at that time

... and one of the names was given on Matakari's Spectator thread...

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Spectator 2668

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