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JJ109 | 12:38 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | Crosswords
42 Answers

19a Oz's blue razorbill wheels over one boat's stern (7) ?RRAT?M

Lookslike erratum but why?

13d In tent behold hole (5) if erratum is correct GL?U?



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13d Glaur (mire; hole) - 'la' (behold, in) 'gur' ("ger"; tent)
12:49 Thu 22nd Aug 2024

19 Oz's blue = mistake, erratum. There Murre, razorbill, reversed, wheels over) and the At from the end (stern) of 'boat goes inside.

19a Erratum (Oz/NZ "blue") - 'murre' (razorbill, wheels; back, about) 'a (boa)t (stern)'

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Thanks NAC!

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and thanks also L-I-K

13 I think it's Lo, behold, inside Gur, tent, but I've still to confirm the definition!

13d Glaur (mire; hole) - 'la' (behold, in) 'gur' ("ger"; tent)

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Many thanks once again to both of you! I think it is finished now!

Lie-in King, we're playing a form of tag - I was coming back to post that I'd remembered La was behold too, and Glaur made much more sense! 

Thank you Lie-In King. Like others, I was sidetracked by assuming 'lo' for behold.

Could someone help me parse 12A

A great many almost sound relieved (4)

I have ?IGH but not sure why it would be SIGH?



Also stuck on 24D

Monarch of Gods in rustic serial cutting bitter vetch (7)

I have ???ARC?


Sight means a great many (it's in Chambers) and Sigh is 'almost', most of the word.

12a Sigh(t) - a great many, almost

johnpiper, I'm assuming it's THEARCH - 'monarch of gods' being the definition. Someone cleverer can no doubt assist with the parsing. 

Thearch - 'The Arch(ers)', cutting 'ers' (bitter vetch)

What a clever clue !


And thanks for help on parsing 12A

I only have two left now which are 31A where i have all but the last letter -must be an S but not sure on parsing in here!


AND 11d Short distance on railway (5)

where i have ?E?RO

I liked the theme especially the use of the adjective before 7 which featured in our surname's nickname



11 Metr(e) short distance and O, on, metro - railway.

...11 has a short distance, ie the word metre is cut...

So simple! thank you!

and the last letter of 31 should be S but not sure why

What's the clue for 31a?

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