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Spectator 2668

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JJ109 | 12:38 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | Crosswords
42 Answers

19a Oz's blue razorbill wheels over one boat's stern (7) ?RRAT?M

Lookslike erratum but why?

13d In tent behold hole (5) if erratum is correct GL?U?



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13d Glaur (mire; hole) - 'la' (behold, in) 'gur' ("ger"; tent)
12:49 Thu 22nd Aug 2024

Thanks for the helpful hints on the peripheral entries. As a result of muchos Googling, I was able to complete the puzzle.

PiffPoff, glad you got it finished off.  I am happy to use any aid going when it is such a niche theme, something I know absolutely nothing about!

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