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Fao Buenchico

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JinnyJoan | 10:29 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
2 Answers

If you are on Chris - my DAB radios have given up the ghost.  Could you advise me on what to buy and use my headphones.  Not too expensive as I only listen sometimes 2 hours every other day.  Thanks Chris



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Hi, JJ.

I'm assuming that you're still using the Sony headphones where a transmitter unit is plugged into a jack socket on the radio and which then sends a signal to the 'phones.  (i.e. that you don't want/need to use Bluetooth headphones).  So you'll need a radio with such a jack socket.  Not all radios have them these days (because so many people now use Bluetooth).

So, wherever you buy from, you need to ensure that there's a headphone socket on the radio.  You also need to check that any radio you're considering supports 'DAB+' and not just the older 'DAB'.  (Many radio stations have switched to DAB+, or are about to do so, meaning that those stations are no longer available on DAB-only radios).

I'm a big fan of the Majority brand.  This is what I might well go for in your situation:

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thanks Chris for that information - I am still using Sony earphones.

Know nothing about Bluetooth etc - definitely am not very bright with technology.

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Fao Buenchico

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