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Chancellor Needs Help

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gramps85 | 15:02 Tue 15th Oct 2024 | News
9 Answers

It seems that the Chancellor needed to employ an accountant to help her complete her tax return. Can we trust somebody who needs this help, to manage the countries finances?



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It just doesn't add up :)

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I should have added that she claimed £1225.00 expenses for doing so.

Don't trust any of them as far as I could throw them.  

You should see the SNP thieves up here in Scotland Maggie.

Thousands of people rely on others to handle their tax returns; that’s precisely why we have accountants. The fact that she employs an accountant doesn’t imply she’s incapable of doing it herself. Rather, it signifies she has more pressing matters to attend to.

I'm not sure she should be charging us for it.

If it’s a legitimate business expense, then why not? Regrettably, the article is behind a paywall, so I’m unable to read it.

She's an employee - she's not in business. 

well, I am not surprised - how does one write off a £4000 heating claim for your second home......?

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Chancellor Needs Help

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