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menace | 20:22 Mon 15th Oct 2007 | Jobs & Education
9 Answers
Hi, my little brother applied for a job with the railway as a ticket office clerk, it says good knowledge of "Tribute" is an advantage, any ideas what "Tribute" is?


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cant you ask him?
Question Author
??? I'm asking this on his behalf, sorry if that wasn't clear
lol I misread it so sorry

i had a wee look via google etc and cant find anythin, apols
Question Author
no probs, thanks for trying
its probably a ticketing system, or a recording system for tickets
Its the computerised ticketing system they use in the ticket offices. One wouldn't know anything about it unless one had previously worked on the rail network.
Yes: Tribute is the second generation booking and ticketing system developed for ATOC - The Association of Train Operating Companies. All booking data from outside the internal ral system comes from GDS (Global Distribution Systems). Those are Galileo, Sabre, Worldspan and Amadeus. And Eurostar's system called ELGAR.

Tribute assimilates that booking data and converts it to the ticketing process.

Hope this helps

Fr Bill
Question Author
Thanks very much for all your help, you have all been great

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