Good evening one and all, firstly tonight's apologies:
Milady is stravaiging or gallivanting or whatever the gentry do.
Ena is once again in the place they call the 'Country'
Petal sends this:
"am putting myself in for extra moat cleaning detention,as unable to attend festivities,due to the swollen ankles & insomnia,which are not helping my usual problems.will send a few thunder bolts &twizzle sticks for the tailcocks.have a nice day now!"
An array of nibbles adorns the table in the long gallery, also assorted tailcocks including this weeks special 'Flas Bang ##' perfect with Petal's accompaniments.
For the raffle I have:
A set of lavender bath cubes
Packet of Glo White
Fridge magnet depicting the Taj Mahal
No mo - that sounds good doesn't it. Anyone can join the fun.
I have plenty of weeds btw, but I have tried smoking them and they don't do anything for me. Perhaps they are the wrong kind. Tried dandy lines, daisies (no it's all right daisynonna, don't get worried) and various other things I found on the lawn but nothing works. Will one of you strong men pick up daisynonna, I think she is having an attack of the flutters. Must have been something I said.
Daisy is well qualified to give a major discourse this evening for the beneficial soporific effect that a lecture at this night should provide the tail-cock inebriated around here.. Hic.
Without AB M o 50's Club, the highlights of my evening would have been (1) taking my curry foil containers out to the wheelie bin, and (2) looking out of the window.
jj - know what you mean. I sometimes sit staring vacantly into space and wondering what it's all about. Or trying to type musical thingys on here so that I can sing "What's it all about Alfie?" Can't work it out - lots of other symbols but not musicy things.
Thankyou so much. My flutter has been comlpetely buttered, Another tailcock to revive me perhaps? Discourse may be slightly different from datcourse but is there a possibility of exebriation? Hic!
not sure Jayne, but I have to head up to the sack so will say night to you all....Kisses to the fairer sex (inc you Jayne) and be back in sometime tomorrow evening.