Good evening one and all, I am once more holding the fort due to yet another gallivany by Milady and His Ludship.
Also an absence note from TTFN as she is one more in the green swathes of the countryside (alright for some)
The usual array of delicious (though I say so myself) nibbles and drinks are laid out on the buffet sideboard in the long gallery.
This week's guest tailcock - by popular request is the 'Purple Pzazz' do remember this does stain clothing, so go steady.
For the raffle I have:
a pink Alice band
2 tins of minted mushy peas
3 bars of Camay soap
and a tin of Zambuk.
I wonder if I might apply for a temporary visa in order to procure a pint or seven of your marvellous tailcock? Have no fear, I have removed my clothing.
glad to see you again,please excuse my abcense of late,baby bigs has a wonky knee,bigs and I have both been scanned by aliens & my parents have another dog also Tinker(cat nor fairy) to vets today
ugh, the moat hasn't got slimed inside 6 weeks already has it? (It might be the remains of the last guest speaker appearing) There was a weird noise from the oubliette a few weeks ago, I put it down to the aga.