a fishy tale in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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a fishy tale

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clairerob21 | 19:54 Fri 24th Aug 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers
12. behind your toes 4
14. big brothers breakfast 8
17. was rushdie desperate for a cigarette ? 6,6
18. a "N" for a "L" would make a rabbit 5
22. likes it quiet 6
38. miserable noise 4,5
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12 'eels.
18 coley change to coney.
17 smoked salmon.
22. kipper?
38. blue whale (wail)
12 sole?
I've put sole for no. 12 ,can you help me with no. 6 please and I think no. 14 is Monkfish
Question Author
hi jim45 i put sole for no 23 and sorry don't have no 6
Ive put eels for 23
18 coley
I plaiced Sole for No.12
very good
jim45,what's the clue for no6,please?
I've seen no6 answered as tuna
the clue for no .6 is Joined to us [6] Tuna is the answer for no. 10 You need this for your piano [4] thanks for trying to help quinie i'd be grateful for any other suggestions

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a fishy tale

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